Trust is the basic capital that is very necessary in achieving the implementation targets of each field of activity so that it will be able to guarantee the continuity of the relevant institutions. This trust factor becomes very important when it is associated with public support for the policies formulated by the Government. In other words, community support is the main force in strengthening the direction of implementation of the policy so that the implementation is effective and efficient. The fact shows that the level of public support for policies has declined relatively. This is caused by the behavior of some state apparatus who consciously or not less heed the principles of ethics and work culture that upholds the values ​​of truth and honesty by prioritizing norms that develop in local and universal wisdom. The low level of service in various areas of community life is an important indicator that governance is still very weak, especially in terms of work ethics and culture. This fact is also marked by the not yet optimal human resources (HR) of the government apparatus, who are basically not only servants of the state, but also servants of the community.

Another factor contributing to this low level of trust is the low level of professionalism among government officials, so that when compared to countries in the Southeast Asian region, Indonesia is still below standard. As a logical consequence, inefficiency in carrying out tasks is considered commonplace. In addition, the practice of Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism (KKN) which is rooted in people's lives is further away from fulfilling the expectations of many people. To restore public trust, it is necessary to make strategic, systematic and sustainable efforts. One of the efforts made is through the dissemination of the concept with public involvement in terms of ethics and work culture and ways to apply it. To realize and answer the various problems mentioned above, the participation of non-profit organizations (civil society) is needed to provide input as well as their involvement in implementing public services. One of the non-profit institutions in question is the Foundation, which designs strategic plans and activities related to human resource development (capacity building), community development (community development) and government policies and conducts various socio-cultural research needed for development.



The Pesanku Foundation is a foundation engaged in improving human resources. In addition to being a government program partner (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology), it also fosters the implementation of education and conducts training.

The Pesanku Foundation was founded by people who have experience in being involved in the world of education who feel the need to improve or rectify the world of education, for the sake of the birth of Indonesian people who have Indonesian characteristics and are able to contribute to the development of human civilization.

The foundation was founded on April 13, 2017, under the name Penuntun Masa Depanku Foundation.

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Building Indonesian people with character. 

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  • Become an adequate source of educational information
  • Become a partner in building National Education,
  • As well as being a source of information on socio-cultural developments to support the development of Indonesian human resources.

For Cooperation

For the Program Donation