Character building
Pembinaan karakter dan Bina Diri Bangsa Peserta Didik Afirmasi (ADEM) ini adalah Siswa-siswi yang berasal dari Provinsi Papua dan Papua Barat yang sudah tamat pendidikan SMP. Mereka dipilih untuk melanjutkan jenjang pendidikan SMA/SMK di Pulau Jawa (Provinsi: Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, DIY, Jawa Timur dan Bali). Tujuan dari program ini adalah membentuk peserta didik yang memiliki karakter dan wawasan kebangsaan yang kuat.
Program ini merupakan upaya Pemerintah dalam mengakselerasi perluasan akses pendidikan melalui Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 2016.
Secara khusus selama beberapa tahun, Yayasan Pesanku sebagai mitra pendidikan bekerja sama dengan Kemdikbudristek telah menangani pelatihan remaja Papua untuk materi Wawasan Kebangsaan. Dari tahun 2016 sampai 2024 telah diikuti lebih dari 3.000 siswa Papua yang akan melanjutkan studinya di Pulau Jawa.
Yayasan Pesanku berkontribusi secara aktif sebagai mitra pendidikan dalam pembinaan karakter bagi siswa/i Papua melalui fasilitasi dan pelayanan pada penguatan pendidikan karakter dan bela negara.
It is an activity to deal with post traumatic syndrome disorder experienced by child victims of disasters by providing trauma recovery services according to the child's level of trauma.
For example, the Pesanku Foundation plays an active role in dealing with children who were victims of the earthquake that occurred in West Nusa Tenggara Province, by providing activity materials in the form of Education, Psychology and Disaster Mitigation in several schools.
The benefit of this activity for children who were victims of the disaster was that they were able to get rid of trauma and recover and improve their quality of life. Meanwhile, the benefit for the Government, especially the Directorate of Elementary School Development, is that it can be used as input for efforts to be made in providing trauma recovery services for children victims of natural disasters.
Special Services Education Studies and 3T
This program is a module preparation activity that aims to produce modules that can meet the needs of the implementation process and the learning process. The implementation module contains the management strategy for the Special Service Education itself. Namely the preparation of modules for Special Service Education for Poor Fishermen, Children Affected by Prostitution Locations, Children Victims of Drugs, Children in Disaster Areas, Indigenous Children, 3T Regions.
Education Provider
As a form of implementation of the educational idealism of the Pesanku Foundation, Embun Pagi Kindergarten has been held since 2021.