It's Time to Make a Change

Education is the Bridge of Civilization

A small step to give birth to a human with Indonesian character

As time goes by, civilization will rolling on, so the past is part of the process civilizations that each of his era will also produce characters that fit the time.

Karl Marx

About us


Karakter merupakan representasi dari watak, sifat, akhlak serta kepribadian seseorang yang berbeda dari orang lain. Dalam tataran yang lebih luas, kelompok masyarakat yang disebut bangsa juga memiliki karakter yang berbeda dari bangsa lain. Karakter bangsa ini tidak lepas dari lingkungan alam yang secara turun-menurun ikut membentuknya. Sejarah yang melatari Bangsa Indonesia telah turut berperan dalam pembentukan nilai-nilai bangsa yang tidak lepas dari faktor alam tempat tinggal cikal bakal Bangsa Indonesia. Kemudian munculnya kolonialisme telah membentuk kesamaan kondisi psikologis yakni sebagai bangsa yang terjajah yang akhirnya menumbuhkan kesadaran bersama untuk bersatu berjuang merebut kemerdekaan. Dari sudut geografis alam juga memberikan kesamaan kondisi yakni tempat tinggal di kepulauan yang diapit oleh dua samudera dan dua benua. Dua hal ini adalah kondisi rnendasar yang juga membentuk Karakter Bangsa Indonesia. “Pendidikan adalah media utama dalam membentuk Karakter Bangsa”. Penelitian sosial budaya perlu terus dilakukan untuk mendampingi perkembangan karakter akibat pengaruh lingkungan strategis global dan regional, di samping mempertahankan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang diperlukan untuk pembentukan karakter.


As a partner of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, he is involved in various education activities in general and has conducted various Special Service studies. Among other things, studies on the education of children in the 3T areas, the education of children who are in conflict with the law, the education of children of trafficking victims, the education of children of indigenous peoples, the education of children of fishermen in coastal areas, the education of children of drug victims. It also helps build educational facilities and infrastructure for children with autism. In training to assist the government (Ministry of Manpower) in improving the quality and capacity of the teaching workforce by sending them abroad

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-19 at 08.34.52


Sebagai wujud implementasi idealisme pendidikan Yayasan Pesanku, TK Embun Pagi diselenggarakan sejak tahun 2021.


It is an activity to deal with Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD) experienced by children who are victims of natural disasters.


Efforts to shape the character of the younger generation and their role in dealing with various current problems.

EDUCATION STUDY OF SPECIAL SERVICES AND 3T (Foremost, Outermost, and Left Behind)

Module Preparation Activities aim to produce modules that can meet the needs of the implementation process and the learning process.


The Pesanku Foundation provides community research and study services, training and development guidance, preparation of educational materials and modules, as well as mentoring services. We are committed to supporting the development of national character through comprehensive research, training and mentoring activities.


  • Teaching and Instructing Expertise and Skills.
  • Action Research Training for Teachers, Principals, and School Superintendents.

Link & Match Development of Maritime Vocational Schools with the Industrial World

  • National Exam preparation training at Vocational High Schools.
  • Compiler of training materials for the strengthening of teachers and school principals in the 3T areas.

Development of Fisherman Child Literacy Culture

  • National Insight and State Defense Training.
  • Increasing the Competence of Teachers, Principals and Supervisors.

Development of Character Education Materials

  • Culinary Business Management Training
  • Work Skills Training on Fishing Vessels


Activities that have been carried out by the Pesanku Foundation


Trauma recovery services for children victims of the earthquake natural disaster in West Nusa Tenggara Province.


Kegiatan Pembinaan Karakter dan Bina Diri Peserta Didik Afirmasi Pendidikan Menengah (ADEM) Tahun 2024


PLC VOYAGE activities December 11, 2022


Survey of fisherman settlements in Indramayu to compile a special service education delivery module.

EMBUN PAGI Kindergarten

The activities of the students of Embun Pagi Kindergarten in commemoration of Isra Miraj


Tiger Shrimp Cultivation Training in Purworejo 20 January 2023


Sejumlah 25 siswa dari Adem Papua, Adem 3T, dan Adem Repatriasi diberikan kesempatan istimewa untuk bertugas sebagai pengibar bendera di upacara yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek). Pada tanggal 17 Agustus, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, 


The latest articles that appear on the Pesanku Foundation blog

25 Siswa ADEM Wilayah Papua, ADEM Daerah Khusus, dan ADEM Repatriasi menjadi Petugas Paskibra di Kemendikbudristek

25 Siswa ADEM Wilayah Papua, ADEM Daerah Khusus, dan ADEM Repatriasi menjadi Petugas Paskibra di…

Sejumlah 25 siswa penerima beasiswa program Afirmasi Pendidikan Menengah (ADEM)…

Refleksi Kemerdekaan di Sekolah Luar Biasa

Refleksi Kemerdekaan di Sekolah Luar Biasa

Memasuki Bulan Agustus selalu disambut dengan kemeriahan dan euforia di…

500 Pelajar Wilayah Papua Penerima Beasiswa ADEM 2023 Ikuti Pembekalan Wawasan Kebangsaan

500 Pelajar Wilayah Papua Penerima Beasiswa ADEM 2023 Ikuti Pembekalan Wawasan Kebangsaan

Jakarta, 13 Juli 2023 – Sebanyak  500 pelajar Papua penerima beasiswa…

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